Problem returning multiple routes in laravel


I have a route that when accessing returns a view with the content. What I am trying to do now and I created another route to do the same effect but when I try to access does not return the right view returns the view of the first example I gave above.

Basically I want to know how I can create routes to access several different views but with the position of the domain always the same.

Example ->EstabelecimentosController@estabelecimentos -> PerfilUserController@perfil_user

I want something like this to always position the bar, but depending on the slug that is stored in the database, return the right controller and the right view.


Route::get('{slug_user_perfil}', 'PerfilUserController@perfil_user');
Route::get('{slug_categoria}', 'EstabelecimentosController@estabelecimentos');

And more or less this I have the slugs stored in the database I intend that depending on the slug presented in the URL it knows what controller it has to use and by itself will return the correct view because I put two routes with parameter slug but when I try to access the users slug it always returns the controller of the categories that in itself returns the view of the categories and that is my problem

asked by anonymous 02.06.2017 / 00:47

1 answer


If I understood the question well, just create a function to test what was passed as a parameter:

Route::get('/{param?}', function ($param="default") {
    if( $param == "default")
        return view('welcome')
    else if( $param == "comer")
        return view('comer')
    return view('cesar-sousa');
02.06.2017 / 02:20