I have a website that I need to display several images per page. I limited this view to 16 items per page, which resulted in 10 pages. Since the site will also appear in mobile , it will look strange if the page exceeds 10 pages, and I would like it to be limited to only 10, and the user would click the arrow to go to the eleventh. I have tried to adapt some examples that I saw here, but without success.
$connection = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "countries");
$q1 = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM countrie");
$count = mysqli_num_rows($q1);
$rowsperpage = 5;
$page = $_REQUEST['p'];
if( $page == 0 or $page == ''){
$page = 1;
$page = $page - 1;
$p = $page * $rowsperpage;
$query = "SELECT * FROM countrie limit ".$p." , " .$rowsperpage;
$run = mysqli_query($connection, $query);
while( $rs = mysqli_fetch_array($run) ){
echo $rs['id'].'->' .$rs['country_name'].' <br/>';
if( $_REQUEST['p'] > 1){
$prev_page = $_REQUEST['p'] - 1;
echo '<span style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="LoadData('.$prev_page.')">Back</span>';
$check = $p + $rowsperpage;
if( $count > $check){
$next_page = $_REQUEST['p']+1;
echo '<span style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="LoadData('.$next_page.')">Next</span>';
$limit = $count / $rowsperpage;
$limit = ceil($limit);
echo '</br></br>';
for( $i=1; $i<=$limit; $i++ ){
if( $i==$_REQUEST['p']){
echo '<strong>' .$i.'<strong>';
echo '<span style="cursor:pointer;" onclick="LoadData('.$i.')">'.$i.'</span>';