Hello. Is it that I want to get the value of a particular tag with a specific class / attribute using DOM and php. Below is the html that will be used:
<div class="header nopadding filmesonline">
<div class="letter"><i class="fa fa-film">Filmes para ver</i> FILMES</div>
<div class="button hover active" data-type="movies" data-what="featured">LANÇAMENTOS</div>
<div class="button hover" data-type="movies" data-what="recent">Recentes</div>
<div class="button hover" data-type="movies" data-what="mostseen">Mais vistos</div>
<div class="button hover" data-type="movies" data-what="recommended">Recomendados</div>
if ($allAElements){
foreach ($allAElements as $elemento){
$dataLoader= $elemento->getAttribute('data-loader');
if($class==="header nopadding filmesonline"){
if($class==="button hover active") $lancamento = $class->nodeValue;
And I want with DOM and php to get the values: Movies to see, Movies, LAUNCHES, Most viewed and Recommended and save each one in a variable. The Html is much larger but I'd like to get those values that are in specific classes and tags.
Thank you for your help, this is to do a job for college.