DOMPDF Page Limit - Laravel


Good afternoon guys,

I am making a DOMPDF print request, whose quantity is greater than 200 pages. When I make the request it can not generate, but if I pass a condition to generate up to a certain record, less than that amount, it is generated. Is there any configuration or some limit that dompdf can not generate? Has anyone had anything like this?

My query looks like this:

 public function pdf()
    $athletes = Category::join('athletes', '', '=', 'category_id')
      ->whereBetween('categories.initials',['A1', 'G1']) //(Limite gerado) 
      ->orderBy('categories.initials', 'ASC')

    $html = view('admin.pdf.athletes', compact('athletes'));
    $pdf  = App::make('dompdf.wrapper');
    $pdf->loadHTML($html)->setPaper('a4', 'landscape');

    return $pdf->download('relatorio_atletas_2017.pdf');

Sincerely yours.

asked by anonymous 25.05.2017 / 21:15

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