When performing a dump file import, oracle is returning the following messages:
IMP-00019: Line Rejected Due to Error 12899 ORACLE
IMP-00003: Oracle Error: 12899 found
ORA-12899: too large value for column "USUARIO"."TABELA"."COLUNA"
(real: 41, maximum: 40)
The statement used to import was:
imp system/senha file=arquivo.dmp log=imp.log fromuser=antigo touser=novo commit=y
So I understand I should change the characterset of the instance of my database, but I have tried several times using the CSSCAN
application but I can not solve it at all.
Import instance set to: characterset "AL32UTF8"
Export instance configured as: characterset "WE8MSWIN1252"
Someone has already gone through this, can you tell me how I can convert the characterset of the bd instance?