Count number of files c #


Good afternoon! I have a listView with several checkbox's. I want to count all the checkbox files that are selected. I made the following code, but it is not working.

if (listView.Items[j].CheckState == CheckState.Checked)
                    string countVersions = listView.CheckedItems.Count.ToString();



                            UltraListViewItem item = listView.Items[j];
                                int countVerao = int.Parse(countVersions);
                                for (int i = 0; i <= countVerao + 1; i++)

                                    DataBaseUpdate dataBaseUpdate = mUpdater.GetDataBaseUpdateByID((int)item.Tag);

                                    DataBaseUpdateFilesCollection dataBaseUpdateFilesCollection = mUpdater.GetDatabaseUpdateFilesByDataBaseUpdate(dataBaseUpdate.ID);

                                    countFiles = dataBaseUpdateFilesCollection.Count.ToString();

                                    totalFiles = totalFiles + int.Parse(countFiles);
                                DataBaseUpdateFilesCollection dataBaseUpdateFilesCollection1 = mUpdater.GetDatabaseUpdateFilesByDataBaseUpdate(dataBaseUpdate.ID);
                                mProgressBarPercPerElem = (perc /= (int.Parse(countFiles)));

                                foreach (DataBaseUpdateFiles filesSql in dataBaseUpdateFilesCollection1)


My problem is here. It is always passing in the first element of the listview, and I want it to scroll through all those that are selected. for (int i = 0; i

asked by anonymous 05.06.2017 / 15:32

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