How to convert Pounds into Euros VBA?


The conversion will be the value in Pounds x 1.17 = Amount in Euros. To be able to add a percentage the formula will be Pounds x 1.17x (1 + percentage).

Substitution of the column of pounds 200% with% 50 to 250% with% 50 and only then apply the formula.

I want the final value to be with . and not , , any ideas?

asked by anonymous 01.06.2017 / 12:35

1 answer


To change these settings in VBA use the function below, changing as desired:

Sub mudaSeparador() 

 Range("A1").Formula = "1,234,567.89" 

 ' Defina os separadores que deseja
 Application.DecimalSeparator = "-" ' > Separador para decimal
 Application.ThousandsSeparator = "-" ' > Separador para milhar
 Application.UseSystemSeparators = False 

End Sub

I hope I have helped!

Ref: link

01.06.2017 / 15:30