Good evening Mr.
I'm trying to use a marker for each point coming from the database in the code below: In this code there is already the route traced using the Lat and longitude received from the bank, I just need that in each insertion in the map be identified with a marker, besides it is clear of the line that the object traveled, that in case it is working. / p>
Here is the connection and query in the table ..
while($RS= mysql_fetch_array($RSS)){
$x = $x + 1;
$kx .= "new google.maps.LatLng(".str_replace(",", ".", $RS["vl_latitude"]).", ".str_replace(",", ".", $RS["vl_longitude"])."),";
if($RS["ig"] == "1"){$ig="LIGADA";}else{$ig="DESLIGADA";}
if($x == 1){$pt = $pt . chr(91)."'INICIO: ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s", strtotime($RS["dt_hora"]))." - ".$RS["ds_posicao"]." | Ig: ".$ig."', ".str_replace(",", ".", $RS["vl_latitude"]).", ".str_replace(",", ".", $RS["vl_longitude"]).", ".$x."],";}
$adata = $RS["dt_hora"];
if($RS["ig"] == "1"){$aig="LIGADA";}else{$aig="DESLIGADA";}
//$aig = $RS["ig"];
$apos = $RS["ds_posicao"];
$alat = $RS["vl_latitude"];
$alng = $RS["vl_longitude"];
$pt = $pt . chr(91)."'FIM: ".date("d/m/Y H:i:s", strtotime($adata))." - ".$apos." | Ig: ".$aig."', ".str_replace(",", ".", $alat).", ".str_replace(",", ".", $alng).", ".$x."],";
? >
Here it continues with the attached file (photo)