How to solve Warning: Missing argument 2 for ufwp_widget_text () in wordpress


I am using the edume theme of online courses and when making a purchase of a course from my website give the following error. how could I solve it?


Warning: Missing argument 2 for ufwp_widget_text () in   /home/basic340/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-udemy/includes/widgets.php   online 63


Warning: Missing argument 3 for ufwp_widget_text () in   /home/basic340/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-udemy/includes/widgets.php   online 63

The code starts from line 62 on 63 has nothing.

62 private function setup_constants () {     63                 // Plugin name                 define ('UFWP_NAME', 'Online Learning Courses');

            // Plugin version
            define( 'UFWP_VER', '1.0.7' );

            // Plugin path
            define( 'UFWP_DIR', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );

            // Plugin URL
            define( 'UFWP_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );

            // Debug
            $options = get_option('ufwp_settings');
            $debug = ( isset ( $options['developer_mode'] ) && $options['developer_mode'] == '1' ) ? true : false;

            define( 'UFWP_DEBUG', $debug );
asked by anonymous 09.06.2017 / 17:44

1 answer


From the error message, the problem occurs in the wp-udemy plugin. The source code I found in github, however in the file and line shown, is the definition of the function, with the last modification 10 months ago:


It's been a while since I've used PHP, but it's probably the problem with your theme, on this page after the purchase, that you should be calling this function the wrong way. I believe there are some ways to resolve:

  • Contact the author of the theme you bought, asking if there is any update in the theme.
  • You yourself, or anyone who takes care of PHP programming, look up calls for that function in the theme code and arrange it.
  • 09.06.2017 / 18:01