Good morning.
I am creating a wordpress site for the client, and I would like to know if it is possible to have such a functionality and what I should do. I'll explain how it should work:
The company works with importation of products and equipment, the user that made an import enters the site, if log in, being logged he has access to a page where he will see details about the import (such as: where is the merchandise, that date has left the country of origin, that date should arrive, etc.), so each user will see the information of his merchandise, besides files (pdf, jpg, etc.) related to this.
Such merchandise information will be populated in a system external to the site (by the company I am serving), so I do not have access to that. However such information will be sent (in txt) to the site, it should take such a txt file and integrate the information in its database to be accessed by the user.
My doubt is how to do such integration with an external bank, and also how each user will have access to only the data relating to their goods. So far I only know how to register subscribers, where all users have the same types of access.
Is it clear? I need to know if it's possible to do something like this, whether there are any plugins or tools to help with this.