Next, I'm doing a program that I'm going to split between the function module and the interface, and I need to use files in that project (and I can not use classes), so I need to use those files between several functions, they will write in them, others will read only, and so on. Here's a piece of code:
arqProfessores = open("arqProfessores.txt","r+")
arqDisciplinas = open("arqDisciplinas.txt","r+")
arqAlunos = open("arqAlunos.txt","r+")
arqTurmas = open("arqTurmas.txt","r+")
def addProfessor(cpf, nome, departamento):
if cpf not in arqProfessores:
dicProfessor = {"Nome":nome, "Cpf":cpf, "Departamento":departamento}
arqProfessores = open("arqProfessores.txt","a")
print("Professor cadastrado com sucesso.")
print("Erro de cadastro.\nEste professor já está cadastrado no
def consultarProfessor(cpf):
arqProfessores = open("arqProfessores.txt","r")
if cpf in arqProfessores:
dicProfessor = #definindo uma
variavel para a chave do dicionario de professores
for chave,elem in dicProfessor.items():
print(chave + ": " + str(elem))
print("Este professor não é funcionário desta faculdade.")
(the formatting is not like this) Anyway, for example, it has a function that I have that I have to write to the file without deleting what is already written so the "a" in the file, but up there I opened as "r +", sorry for the ignorance, but I I'm very lazy when it comes to file: / What do you recommend doing?