Tomcat is configured by Eclipse to go up on port 8085 but only opens on 8080


When I set up Tomcat in eclipse it gave me the error saying that the standard ports (8005,8080,8009) were busy, I changed the ports and I ran the program, but in Google Chrome when I put localhost: 8080 it opens even though it is not configured for this port !!! But when I put localhost: 8085 which are the "open" ports according to the eclipse and which I saved in the server connection the 404's browser.

How do I stay alone on the 8080? I already uninstalled Tomcat and installed an earlier version and it was the same. I stopped and restarted it for the Services but without success. I can log in from the normal 8080 manager. It looks like he's duplicated, I do not know.

I'm learning JSF running on Windows 10.

asked by anonymous 23.07.2017 / 09:20

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