I have a file that shows the time and name that a user logged into the site, this file is password protected, is there any way to put a [Delete] button to delete a particular line?
I use the following code
$f = fopen("pass/index.html", "a");
fwrite ($f,
'Usuario: [<b><font color="#660000">'.$usuario.'</font></b>]
IP: [<b><font color="#996600">'.$ip.'</font></b>]
Data: [<b><font color="#FF6633">'.$data.'</font></b>]<br> ');
The file looks like this:
Usuario: [<b><font color="#660000">teste1</font></b>] IP: [<b><font color="#996600">xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx</font></b>] Data: [<b><font color="#FF6633">07-07-2017 - 13:20:01</font></b>]<br>
User: [test1] IP: [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Date: [07-07-2017 - 13:20:01]
I would like the time to have a [Delete] to remove that line.