firebase hosting does not understand my domain


Recently a new category of domain arose in Brazil so I went and bought

But when I try to link my domain to firebase hosting, it only understands how

My question is whether this new category needs to be added to the firebase? if so with doing this

If it is not possible to add firebase hosting unfortunately I will have to leave the service

asked by anonymous 29.07.2017 / 14:41

2 answers


Contacting Google replied that the suffix is not on the list that they use as a basis

05.08.2017 / 14:59

This question has been around for some time, but I have found another solution that can help.

Contacting Firebase support sent me a URL that allows you to check subdomains more assertively than the Firebase interface.

The URL is link

Upon entering this URL, you will be directed to put a TXT code in your DNS provider, which is similar to what is done in Firebase. However, this check works and makes this subdomain recognized as yours across the Google platform (it seems).

After that, just go to Firebase, reload the page and request to include the domain again. When you enter the address, Firebase will already recognize that the domain is yours and will provide the addresses for inclusion in the DNS.

12.02.2018 / 21:27