autocomplete="off" does not work


I have two fields:

<label>Imagem do perfil:</label>
<input><input type="file" value="<?php echo $img; ?>" name="img[]"/><br/>

<input type="password" value="<?php echo $senha; ?>"/>

When refreshing the page, the "Profile image" field is populated with the "X" user cached, as well as the password. If the right one is, the "Profile image" field is null and the "Password" is filled in with that of the "Y" user.

Obs. :

1st I am logged in with user "Y".

2nd This occurs when the variable $img is empty or the value of the null input.

3rd. I have other passwords identical to those of the "Y" cached.

asked by anonymous 22.07.2017 / 23:27

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