Erase certain rows from a .csv python [duplicate]


What would be the easiest way to just delete certain lines from the .csv file within several more?

In the .csv below I would like only the lines of the Client (C) Cleiton and their movies (F) which in this case would be City of God and Twilight were excluded.

    C;7;Josue;[email protected]
    F;Matrix ;3.5
    C;8;Cleiton;[email protected]
    F;Cidade de Deus;5.0
    C;9;Roberta;[email protected]
    C;10;Romulo;[email protected]
    F;Tropa de Elite;3.5

After that I would take the data from all the other clients and overwrite the file. I've come up with this part of the code so far:

import csv

contador = 0
with open("arquivo.csv", "w") as arq:
    reader = csv.reader(arq, delimiter=';')
    data = list(reader)

critico = input("-> ")
with open("arquivo.csv", "r",) as arq:
    writer = csv.writer(arq, delimiter=';')
    ident = None
    for line in data:
        if line[0] == 'C' and line[1] == critico:
            identificador = int(line[1])

            if line[0] == 'F':
                contador += 1

The code is not complete yet, but what I'm thinking is to first delete the file with the 'w' command and then overwrite it with all non-user clients and movies which I choose (in this case the cleiton).

My problem is knowing how many Movies (F) a user evaluated, since a user can evaluate how many movies he wants (1,2,3,4 ....), how to calculate how many movies a user has recorded?

asked by anonymous 12.08.2017 / 06:29

1 answer


The idea of how to delete CSV file lines itself is more or less easy to understand - but you used your CSV file in a way so different from the most appropriate way of using it, which - at least I - passed through asks a couple of times not just answering the hassle of trying to explain the most appropriate way.

But come on: First - your idea is right: there is no way to "modify an existing file": it is always necessary to create a new file and record all the content you want for the file. Of course in general it is better to do this in 3 steps: (1) open the old file; (2) write the new data to a file with a different name; (3) Finally, remove the original file, and rename the new file to take its place. These 3 simple steps prevent that if your program stops in the middle by an error of any nature, your data is lost - at any time you have either the original file, or the new file already complete.

From there begin the peculiar things of your files: normal for a CSV file is that it is a single table, with all the lines having the same structure. In this case, you have created two different types of lines, meaning different things - the simplest thing to keep the CSV data in this case is to keep all the data in each row (ie: denormalized).

But also to think: does putting more functionality on top of a CSV structure solve your problem? If you want to associate "critical" objects with "movie" objects, you have a relationship - suddenly a relational database is best for you there.

If this file never gets large compared to the memory of the computer it will run (think that a modern PC has about 2GB of memory, and the entire textbook takes up about 3MB - that is, if you have the equivalent of the Bible (~ 1000 small print pages) of textual data, will be occupying about 0.2% of the computer's memory: this means that most likely you can have a program that works all the time with all the data in memory , and only "save" the content when it is convenient, in which case you have to save it in a format that can be read back into another program execution: either it can be an unconventional CSV, like what you have, or it can be a serialized file like "JSON": a syntax similar to the dictionaries we use in Python, which can be read and written directly in a text editor, but which has two advantages in this case: all data can be read from the file, or written for him, in a single This is a function call, and more importantly, in a JSON file you can preserve the hierarchical structure of your information - and take advantage of it to use the same structure in memory.

Let's work with this representation of your data in a list of dictionaries in memory: this will allow you to have a program that does more operations with your objects - and to keep me in the subject of the question, I'll put functions to read your current CSV file for this structure, and save that structure to a format like what you have:

import csv
import json
import sys

def le_dados_csv(nome_do_arquivo):
    dados = []
    with open(nome_do_arquivo) as arq:
        leitor = csv.reader(arq, delimiter=";")
        critico = None
        for linha in leitor:
            if linha[0] == "C": # Dados de um novo crítico
                critico = {}
                critico["codigo"] = linha[1]
                critico["nome"] = linha[2]
                critico["email"] = linha[3]
                critico["filmes"] = []
            else: # A informação nesta linha é sobre um filme do último crítico
                filme = {}
                filme["titulo"] = linha[1]
                filme["nota"] = float(linha[2])
                # acrescenta as ifnormações sobre este filme a
                # lista de filmes do último crítico
    return dados

def grava_dados_csv(nome_do_arquivo, dados):
    with open(nome_do_arquivo, "wt") as arq:
        escritor = csv.writer(arq, delimiter=";")

        for critico in dados:
            escritor.writerow(("C", critico["codigo"], critico["nome"], critico["email"]))
            for filme in critico["filmes"]:
                escritor.writerow(("F", filme["titulo"], "{:.01f}".format(filme["nota"])))

def grava_dados_json(nome_do_arquivo, dados):
    """Grava os dados do programa como uma estrutura json"""
    with open(nome_do_arquivo, "wt") as arq:
        json.dump(dados, arq, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

def le_dados_json(nome_do_arquivo):
    """Grava os dados do programa como uma estrutura json"""
    with open(nome_do_arquivo) as arq:
        dados = json.load(arq)
    return dados

def remove_critico(dados, nome_critico):
    for indice, critico in enumerate(dados):
        if critico["nome"] == nome_critico:
            del dados[indice]
        # A clausula else de um "for" em Python é executada se o "for"
        # terminou sem ser por causa de um comando "break".
        print("Critico {} não encontrado".format(nome_critico), file=sys.stderr)

# E por fim, uma função "principal" que faz o que você descreve
# na pergunta  - acreido que fica fácil você ampliar seu programa
# a partir daqui:
def principal():
    dados = le_dados_csv("arquivo.csv")

# Executar a função principal apenas se este arquivo Python
# for executado como programa principal.
# Isso permite que outros rquivos .py possam importar
# este arquivo e usar as funções de leitura e escrita
# normalmente

if __name__ == "__main__":
14.08.2017 / 04:53