jsonb: how to fetch the value of the same key from all objects in an array?


I have a column of type jsonb that stores objects in an array.

I can get the key template of all index objects 0 like this:

psql=# select data->'components'->0->'template' as template from page;

that returns:

(100 rows)

How can I do to search for the key template of all objects at the same time without specifying the index?

EDIT: stored array example:

    "type": "feed",
    "template": "_vertical-content",
    "type": "feature",
    "template": "_single-content",
asked by anonymous 18.08.2017 / 01:07

1 answer


The function jsonb_array_elements expands an array to a set of json values, so it is only necessary to filter these tuples by returning the content of the key template .

If you need to return the results on a single line, just use some aggregation function such as array_agg .

with d(dados) as (
    from teste
select dados->>'template'
from d;


(2 registros)

Note: I performed the test considering that the json array corresponds to key components .

22.08.2017 / 18:55