Well, I have the following question, I have a ModalController when I'm running on iphones , the inbound transition comes from below to cover the fool's screen.
With this library, can I change this transition? I need the transition to appear from the middle of the screen, this should happen the same way for Android, iPhone and Windows phones.
I'm trying to do this:
openModal() {
let options: NativeTransitionOptions = {
direction: 'down',
duration: 500,
slowdownfactor: 3,
slidePixels: 20,
iosdelay: 100,
androiddelay: 150,
fixedPixelsTop: 0,
fixedPixelsBottom: 60
let myModal = this.modalCtrl.create(SlideAccessibility, null);
I realized the documentation I have to pass options to the call, maybe in it I can do the effect I need, but as the documentation is poor I did not find anything about it.