Android Instrumental Testing


When I begin to compose the instrumental test for MainActivity, it fails because it does not recognize this MainActivity, as you can see in the next image.

Ihavereadinsomeplacesthat"Because instrumented tests are compiled into an APK (separate from the application's APK), they must have their own AndroidManifest.xml file." I do not know if this is the cause of my problem.

Can you help me?

asked by anonymous 09.08.2017 / 18:45

1 answer


I believe you declared your test class wrong and the correct one would be this:

public class MainActivityTest {
    public ActivityTestRule<MainActivity> mMainActivityTestRule =
            new ActivityTestRule<MainActivity>(MainActivity.class);

    public void testeAlgo() {
        // Algum teste

OBS1: I never had to declare a test manifest itself.

NOTE: The package statement is oddly spaced in the name.

This link has a great test tutorial: link

09.08.2017 / 19:16