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What is an SSH command?


ssh(1) es el comando que lanza el cliente de SSH. Los clientes más usados son OpenSSH y Dropbear.

sshd(8) es el comando que lanza el demonio del servidor SSH. De igual cuenta, los servidores más comunes son OpenSSH y Dropbear.

Para más información de los comandos, llamadas al sistema, demonios, funciones y otros detalles de un sistema operativo tipo Unix, utiliza el comando ‘man’ para acceder a las páginas del manual.


Complementing the other answers a bit more, it is also possible to run a command on ssh server without having to keep the ssh connection open.

For example, if you run $ ssh root@myserver date, you will see the date and time of the server and the ssh session ended. This is useful when you have many computers and you want to perform some action on all of them, of course there are better ways to do it, but you always have the basic ways.

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