Home > Do You Know What The -Sudo- Command Is Used For In Linux?

Do you know what the -sudo- command is used for in Linux?

Betthezel Arriaza

Very good answers, I put a grain of sand, the superuser who can do everything in the system is dangerous to do day to day tasks, every superuser should have a normal user for their normal work and use sudo in case of occasional need.


Sirve para ejecutar otros comandos con priviliegios de Super Usuario (root), sin loguearte como tal.

Se utiliza anteponiendo el comando “sudo” al comando que queremos ejecutar con esos privilegios.

Por ejemplo, para revisar logs del sistema un usuario común no debería poder acceder a los mismos, por lo que:

En cambio, usando “sudo” si podemos verlo:


El comando sudo invoca permisos administrativos temporales por decirlo de algún modo con los que se pueden realizar cambios al sistema e instalaciones de softwares y modificaciones al comportamiento del hardware (superusuario o root). Por ejemplo como usuario común no podrás borrar algunos archivos protegidos o de otros usuarios o activar/desactivar llaves pero como root si, úsalo con cuidado y responsabilidad. Hay documentación para interiorizarte mas en el gran mundo de linux.

Comandos de Linux mas frecuentemente utilizados

Leotie Harderman

I'm with Cesar, it's a command where you run commands with elevated privileges. Normally root, it's a way to not be constantly putting the root key of the server.

It would be something like running as administrator in Windows

Ceil Rollins

Sudo ( su- do = super user do ) is used to execute an action in linux with administrator permissions instead of switching to the root account to execute the same action.

Also it will only execute that single action or series of actions in a single instruction.

In practical terms it is safer to use sudo to execute an action that requires administrator permissions, than to do it directly with the root account

Sisely Summerill

The sudo command is used to execute other commands in super user mode from a regular user. This does not require a full super user session to run administration tasks and protects the security of the system

Sudo command is used to run other commands in super user mode from a regular user.


Thank you, Anthony, for the A2A.

sudo is used to run the command that follows with super user privileges. This means that the command is executed without privilege restrictions. GNU/Linux systems have a number of permissions required to perform certain administrative tasks, or to copy, delete or create files in system folders. With this sudo command you bypass those restrictions. But it is only recommended when you know what you are doing.


The sudo command in Linux is used to have Root or Administered permissions in the terminal

Valina Timms

Allows you to execute more commands.

Example: sudo apt-get update

Or upgrade or install + program name, etc. You are then prompted for the superuser password.

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