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Can R be used for commercial purposes?

It is the opinion of the R Core Team that one can use R for commercial purposes (e.g., in business or in consulting). The GPL , like all Open Source licenses, permits all and any use of the package. It only restricts distribution of R or of other programs containing code from R.

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What is Roxygen2?

Dynamically inspects the objects it's documenting It can add data to your document that you wouldn't otherwise be able to. It can abstract out the differences between S3 and S4 methods, generics, and classes to make it easier for you to understand fewer details. What is Makevars? The Makevars file, as specified in Writing R Extensions: 1.2. 1 Using Makevars, is a variant of Make that is unique to R.

What is R extension?

An R file is A script written in R, a programming languages used for statistical analysis and graphing. It contains code that can run within the R software environment. Commands that create objects (functions and values, etc.) may be found in R files. Visualizations of the computed data can be produced. What is the ending extension of R scripts? By convention, R scripts end with the file extension . R.

Is R still free?

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. Thereof, is rstudio free for commercial use? The RStudio IDE Open-Source Product is Free under the Affero General Private License (AGPL) v3. A commercial license is also available for the RStudio IDE Priority email support from RStudio, Inc.

Can I sell R code?

You are not going to violate R’s license You are entitled to copyright as long as the product you sell does not include source code that is covered under another license or any binaries that were made from that source. What is RD file in R? Files written in contain documentation for R objects (Rd), a simple markup language that closely resembles (La?)TeX. It can be processed into a variety formats including HTML, LaTeX and plain text.

What is Roxygen2 R?

Line Documentation For R Use specially formatted comments to generate your Rd documentation, NAMESPACE file, and collation field. It is easier to maintain your documentation current by writing it in-line with code.

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