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How do you use so in English?

So as a conjunction

We use so as a subordinating conjunction to introduce clauses of result or decision: I got here late. It was a long journey, so I'm really tired now.

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The two-year, fully-funded program consists of workshops, interdisciplinary coursework and a final thesis of literary work. The program offers a supportive start to a creative life in words, thanks to the one-on-one attention students receive from our faculty poets and writers.

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How do you teach so and for?

We use the adjective or adverb plus so to summarize. And so plus the noun/noun phrase. Let's take a look at some uses for so and such. How do you use so and add emphasis in English? For example it was such a windy day yesterday. Your brother is such a fast runner. So we're using such with the noun.

Correspondingly, what is so and do?

Let me help you understand the differences in "do"/ "does" and what "so do*/ so does". We use "do/does", an auxiliary verb, with the simple present tense "do". Both the singular and plural can be used It is used with plural first persons (I/we), and the second person, (you). Is so that correct grammar? Both of your examples are grammatically correct The adverb "so" can be used to modify adjectives or adverbs. It can be followed either by "as" (or "that"), but they don't have to be identical.


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In respect to this, how is so as used in a sentence?

She will go to the cinema to see the new movie. They devised many strategies to catch the thief. To solve the problem, you must first understand the question. To find a new job, he looked at job ads. In respect to this, how do you teach so? So (that) – The Subordinating Connection It starts a subordinate clause, which is a clause that is dependent upon a main clause. Take this example: The teacher spoke slowly to make sure his students understood the lesson.

People also ask how do i teach so such?

When deciding whether to use so/so or not, teach students to look for nouns and not articles. The pattern for singular count nouns will be such + article + adjective+ noun. However, it will be the same pattern for plural count nouns and non-count nouns. Also, how do you use so and such? Adjectives and adjectives. To make it stronger, we can combine it with an adjective or an adverb. It's so hot right now! We use nouns or adjectives + nouns to make them stronger. The result is being said. These structures are often used with a clause to indicate the result.

How do you emphasize the word so?

The word “so” is used with an adjective or an adverb. “It was so windy yesterday.” “Your brother can run so fast!”

By Jewett

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