Translate a document
- On your computer, open a document in Google Docs.
- In the top menu, click Tools. Translate document.
- Enter a name for the translated document and select a language.
- Click Translate.
- A translated copy of your document will open in a new window. You can also see this copy in your Google Drive.
1 The costs associated with FOB include transportation of the goods to the port of shipment, loading the goods onto the shipping vessel, marine freight transport, insurance, and unloading and transporting the goods from the arrival port to the final destination. Read More
XI/XII – ASL – Topics for Speaking Test
- Most memorable moment of my life.
- My reading habits.
- Population Explosion.
- Co-education.
- The trip I enjoyed most.
- Real learning through experience.
- My favourite T.V. programme.
- What I did during last vacation.
Some non-Adobe programs that can open an SVG file include Microsoft Visio, CorelDRAW, Corel PaintShop Pro, and CADSoftTools ABViewer. Inkscape, GIMP, and Vectornator are free programs that can work with SVG files, but you must download them in order to open the SVG file. Read More
sit file right to The Unarchiver's Dock icon, or right click on a . sit file and choose Open With, then The Unarchiver. Read More
How to open file with ACE extension?
- Install WinAce software.
- Verify the you have the latest version of WinAce.
- Assign WinAce to ACE files.
- Ensure that the ACE file is complete and free of errors.
frm files to mysql\data\abc wherein mysql\data\ is the place where . myd, . myi, . frm for all databases are stored. Read More
Do one of the following:
- On the Export tab, click Export Task Info as MPX.
- Click the MindManager Button , click Save As, and in the Save as type list select Microsoft Project Exchange File.
BMP is a simple raster graphics image file format designed to store bitmap digital images independently of a display device, originally and primarily on Microsoft Windows and OS/2 operating systems. Read More