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What does apex mean?

Definition of apex

1a : the uppermost point : vertex the apex of a mountain. b : the narrowed or pointed end : tip the apex of the tongue. 2 : the highest or culminating point the apex of his career.

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Is apex an English word?

apex noun [C] (SUCCESS)

the highest point or most successful part of something: He reached the apex of his career during that period.
People also ask what is apex example? The tip is the usually pointed end of an object. The leaf's apex. The highest part of something is called apex. The summit of a mountain It is an example of its apex.

What is the common word for apex '?

Frequently Asked Questions about apex These are some common synonyms for apex. acme, peak, pinnacle and summit All these words refer to "the highest point attained, or attainable", but apex means the point where all ascending lines intersect. What is the apex of a curve? The apex of power is The innermost point of a line that passes through a curve The apex is the geometric centre of the turn. The vehicle can hit the apex to maintain the fastest speed through a corner by taking the straightest route. It is often located near the corner's tightest point.

What is apex in motorsport?

The apex, or clipping point, is in simple terms. The point at which a vehicle passes closest to the corner's inside portion The apex is also the point at which the corner has the smallest radius and fastest speed. Also, what does apex mean in school? Students must validate that they took a course with a D to continue meeting A-G requirements for college admission. These are the guidelines APEX courses can be taken during Semester after-school, which allows students to validate a course that they have earned a D in.

What is the opposite of a apex?

Apex means; hill, top, peak, crown, apex, crest, zenit, summit. Opposites of Apex; nadir. bottom. How do I learn apex? Four Best Resources to Learn the (Realistic) Basics of Apex Deepika Khana (Udemy, YouTube) Deepika Khana offers a Udemy course that teaches Apex. Apex Academy (Pluralsight). Parikshith M (Youtube). System dot Debug (Youtube). Important Apex Tools Apex: Get the Right Attitude Here are some things to avoid in the early days.

In respect to this, how do i write an apex code?

To trigger an object, Go to the object's management settings and click on Triggers. Then, click on New. Enter your code in the Body textbox. To find a class, use Setup to enter Apex Class in the Quick Find box and then select Apex Class. Click New and then enter your code into the Body text box.

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