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What is PageModel?

PageModel classes are created when you choose the Razor Page (with page model) option when adding a new item: The PageModel class is declared in a separate class file - a file with a . cs extension. PageModel classes are placed in the same namespace as the page, which by default follows the pattern <default namespace>.

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Consequently, what is razorpage?

Razor Pages are A simplified, newer web application programming model It eliminates much of the ASP.NET MVC ceremony by using a file-based routing approach. Each Razor Pages file located under the Pages directory corresponds to an endpoint. What is difference between .cshtml and .HTML file? Cshtml is basically a razor view extension and any view renders with HTML finally Razor is required in your application because it supports server-side code, but raw HTML does not.

What is ViewBag?

ViewBag is A property is a dynamic object that allows you to dynamically share values between the controller view and the controller within ASP.NET MVC applications. And another question, what is razor webdesign? Razor is An ASP.NET programming syntax that allows you to create dynamic web pages using the C# and VB.NET programming languages Razor was developed in June 2010 and released in January 2011 for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Razor is a simple-syntax, view engine that was released as part MVC 3 and the WebMatrix tools set.

Correspondingly, how is blazor different from razor?

Razor is a templating engine which combines HTML and C# to create dynamic web content. Blazor is a single-page, component-based framework that allows you to build client-side web applications using. NET that works with all modern browsers via WebAssembly client-side Blazor. Thereof, what is viewdata in razor? ViewData is A container to hold data that is passed from the PageModel into the content page ViewData is a dictionary that contains objects and has a string-based key. ViewData can be added as follows: public Class IndexModel - PageModel

What is the use of Razor pages?

Razor Pages is the recommended framework Razor Pages uses the popular C# programming language to server-side program, and the simple-to-learn Razor template syntax to embed C# in HTML markup to generate dynamic content for browsers. What is the use of SignalR? SignalR can be used To add any type of "real-time web functionality" to your ASP.NET app Chat is a common example. However, there are many other options. SignalR can be used whenever a user refreshes a page to see new data or the page implements long-polling to retrieve new data.

Is Cshtml HTML5?

HTML5 is written in the views as simple HTML (. I suggest that you find the control you prefer to use and search for an HTML5 library with it.

By Mannie

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