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What is DBX in Scrabble?

Synonyms. dbx is not a valid Scrabble word.

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Is py a Scrabble word?

py is not in the dictionary.

Payment Payment (PMT). This is the To calculate a monthly payment, the following information is required: The number of periods (N), the interest rate per month (i%) and the present value (PV). To calculate the monthly payment of a $20,000 loan with a 5-year term at a 5% annual rate, you would need to enter 20000 and hit the PV button.

People also ask what do you mean by bogi?

Definition of bogie (Entry 1 of 2) 1 A strong, low-built cart 2a British: A swiveling railway vehicle. b : The driving-wheel assembly that consists of the rear four wheels of an automotive truck with six wheels. People also ask is aero an english word? Aero is a Greek prefix that refers to flight and air. It is used in British English as an adjective to describe flight (e.g. as a short substitute for an aeroplane).

What is the English word for Tapu?

tapu in British English

1. sacred; forbidden. 2. a Māori religious or superstitious restriction on something.
And another question, why are cigarettes called bogies? A "Bogey" can be used to describe a tightly wrapped cigarette or tobacco, or a clove. It can also refers to a blunt. It is a generic term used in Queens to describe any type of tightly wrapped smoke. It is not relevant to the content. This term is derived from the tight cigarettes Humphrey Bogart used for smoking


Is Sav Scrabble word?

sav is not in the dictionary.

What is a wagon?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1a A vehicle that transports bulky commodities, usually on four wheels. It is often drawn by animals. b: A lighter, typically horse-drawn vehicle used for transporting passengers or goods. c : Paddy wagon. Moreover, where did the word snot come from? Snot comes from the Old English word gesnot, or "nasal mucus," from a Germanic root.

What does * * mean?

A small, star-shaped symbol (*), that is used in writing and printing to indicate omission, doubtful material, etc. The star (*) is a symbol that marks an utterance that would not be accepted by native speakers of the language. It is used for example, * I like to ski. Thereof, what is another word for aero? Other definitions for aero (3 of 3)

aeronautic; aeronautical. aeronautics. aerospace.

And another question, what is noa in māori?

Tapu can be described as ordinary, common, or without restriction. Tapu was often removed from objects and people by ceremonies so that people could act freely.

By Kathye

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