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What is the extension for Microsoft Works?

ExtensionFile Type
.WDBMicrosoft Works Database
.WKSWorks Spreadsheet
.WPSMicrosoft Works Word Processor Document
.WPTWorks Template

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What is the file extension for Pages?

Pages files are what they are. There are zip files. There is an optional PDF file and a JPG file that can be used for previewing the document.

Open the document and then choose File > Export to > [file format] (from your File menu at the top). Specify export settings:PDF: These files can sometimes be edited with Adobe Acrobat and Preview.

What is the file extension of Microsoft files?

docxMicrosoft Word document
dotMicrosoft Word template before Word 2007
dotxMicrosoft Word template
emlEmail file created by Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, and other programs
Accordingly, what are the 5 file extensions? In summary, the most common document file extensions are:
  • DOC and DOCX.
  • HTML and . HTM.
  • ODT.
  • PDF.
  • XLS and XLSX.
  • ODS.
  • PPT and . PPTX.
  • TXT.

People also ask what are the word file extensions?

ExtensionName of file format
.docWord 97-2003 Document
.docmWord Macro-Enabled Document
.docxWord Document
.docxStrict Open XML Document
Can word Open Works files? You can open your Works files if they were saved in Works 6.0 and later Directly in the Office Click the File tab in Word, Excel, Word Starter or Excel Starter and then click on Open. Navigate to the folder in which the Works files are kept. Click All Files (*) in the list of file types, located next to the File name box.


What is ENL extension?

EndNote is a program for managing bibliographies and creating citations. The library in the ENL file is made up of citations. The files are usually saved in a folder with a data file name extension.

What is a Works file?

A WPS file can be found here Kingsoft Writer created a word processing document Kingsoft WPS Office Suite includes a word processor called. It can be used to format pages and images as well as text. Subsequently, what are the 3 types of files? Computer Concepts - Types Of Files Ordinary files. These files can be used to store text, graphics, images, and other information. Directory files. Directory files are nothing more than a place/area/location in which details of files can be stored. Device files. Special files can also be called device files. FIFO files.

How many file extensions are there?

File ExtensionFile Type
.GIFGraphics Interchange Format
.HQXMacintosh BinHex
.HTM or .HTMLWeb page source text
.JPG or JPEGJPEG graphic
And another question, what are file extensions in computer? A file extension is An identifier that is used to suffix the name of the computer file in an Operating System such as Microsoft Windows. It can be classified as metadata. The file extension allows the operating system to identify the file's characteristics and, in some cases, its intended use.

What is a 20 file type?

20 suffixes are most commonly used for filenames Salt Lake City Game Music Files Ubisoft Entertainment S.A. created the Salt Lake City Game Music specification. Software applications are available for Windows devices. 20 files can be supported by software programs. Files with 20 extensions are classified as Game Files.

By Normie Schier

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