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What is Ken Afrikaans?

Word. Ken. Afrikaans Meaning. ken. range of what one can know or understand; beyond my ken / range of what one can know or understand / To know / range of knowledge / one's range of knowledge or sight. /

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What does GIF mean in Afrikaans?

The English translation is poison. There are more meanings for the word poison.

TikTok announced a few new features on Thursday, including the ability to use GIFs in its green screen effect. This is what it means You can project a GIF behind you instead of a still image when you shoot a video

People also ask what does ken translate to in english?

noun. knowledge, understanding, or cognizance; mental perception: an idea beyond one's ken. How do you use the word Ken? They won't listen to anyone outside their circle of influence. It was long past our reach. It will be beyond the reach of most people, and they may feel uneasy about the project. It is therefore not something that I can handle.

Keeping this in consideration, what is someone's ken?

Definition of beyond the ken Not within the scope of what someone knows and understands These changes were made for reasons beyond my control. People also ask what does ken mean in old english? transitive verb. 1 archaic : see. 2 chiefly dialectal : recognize. 3 chiefly Scotland : know.

In respect to this, in what language does ken mean know?

With "To know; recognize"), Dutch kennen ("to be acquainted"), German kennen ("to be aware of someone/something")), Norwegian Bokmal Kjenne, Norwegian Nynorsk Kjenna, Old Norse Kennea ("to perceive")), Swedish Kanna ("to feel"), Danish Kende ("to learn"). Regarding this, what is an example of ken? Ken is defined as the range of what you know. An example of ken is your knowledge of things from cooking to baseball statistics. Range of vision. View; sight.

Who was Ken?

a doll and fictional character introduced by Mattel in 1961 as the counterpart of Barbie

Full nameKenneth Carson
OccupationAt least 40 occupations
Is a Ken a house? ken, n. (slang) a house.

What is the meaning of Ken in Japanese?

Ken (拳), meaning "fist" in Japanese, see Sansukumi-ken for various hand gesture matching games.

By Megan Bruge

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