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What is torrent in French?

1. [ of water] torrent m. The rain came down in torrents. Il pleuvait à torrent. ⧫ Il pleuvait à torrents.

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What is torrent in simple words?

A torrent of lava is a stream of water.

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What does Gustily mean?

Wind blowing or coming into gusts, such as rain, wind, or storms influenced or marked by wind, rain, etc. A gusty day. A sudden burst or outburst, sound or laughter. Keeping this in consideration, what is torned? Torn is The past participle is tear 2. adjective [usually verb link ADJECTIVE] When you are torn between two or three things, it is difficult to decide which one to choose. This can lead to anxiety or trouble.

What mottled means?

Marked with spots of different colors : Having blotches of multiple colors mottled tree bark gives a mottled appearance to the bird's plumage. A combination of red-and-blue pigments in the shells of live lobsters creates a mottled camouflage that blends in with ocean floor. What is gusty tree? gusty Add to your list Share. Gusty is the adjective This is how the wind feels when leaves swirl around in the air, garbage blowing across city streets, and hats refuse to stay put.


How do I open a torrent file extension?

If you already have a torrent file, click on I Agree to the pop-up menu to open it.

qBittorrent Web UI To enable the web interface Go to Tools > Preferences > Website UI The program runs on port 8080, but you can specify the port. Open your browser and type localhost:8080 into the address bar.

In respect to this, what do gusts mean?

1 : a sudden brief rush of wind. 2 : a sudden outburst : surge a gust of emotion. gust. verb. gusted; gusting; gusts. And another question, what are sinisters? Having a bad appearance : a person who is likely to cause harm, danger, or death. He had a sinister look about him. He looked sinister.

What type of verbal is torn?

V1 Base Form (Infinitive):To Tear
V2 Past Simple:Tore
V3 Past Participle:Torn
V4 3rd Person Singular:Tears
V5 Present Participle/Gerund:Tearing
Has torn or is torn? Tore or torn "The Suit remained torn because no one would fix. "Tore" is the past tense for tear, meaning to tear something. "I had to buy a new piece because I accidentally tore the previous one." "Torn" is an adjective that denotes it has been ripped.

What is an example of Torn?

Torn can be defined as having ripped or shredded anything in the past. Torn can be described as: To have a hole in one’s pants yesterday Torn can be defined as ripped or shredded. Torn can also be used as an adjective in the phrase "torn jeans", which refers to jeans with holes.

By Malkah

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