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Which of the following best describes the term the internet of Things Group of answer choices?

Which of the following best describes the term, the Internet of Things? the ability of everyday devices to transmit data to and from the internet using sensors. Which Internet communication service can you use to speak to other users over the Internet?

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What is file extension short answer?

A file name extension is the end of a file that helps identify the type of file in Microsoft Windows. The file name extension in Microsoft Windows can be one, two, or four characters long.

File formats and file extensions are often used interchangeably. However, in reality, A file extension refers to the characters after the period. The file format is the way the data is organized in the file. For example, see the file mydata.

Thereof, what is the term google com called?

What is the Internet term for google.com? Domain name What is the World Wide Web? A worldwide collection of electronic documents. A component of the Uniform Resource Locators (URL) Consequently, why does marvin recommend that you consider an all in one quizlet? Marvin suggests that you consider an all in one. It might be cheaper than buying a tower and monitor individually Point-and-shoot cameras are high-end digital cameras that have interchangeable lenses.

Is MP3 compressed or uncompressed?

): This popular, but lossy, compressed format is small in file size, but has poor sound quality. It is convenient for storing music on iPods and smartphones. MQA (hires): Lossless compression format that bundles hi-res files to make streaming more efficient. You can also ask what is mp3 compression? Reducing (or approximating), the accuracy of certain sound components that are (by psychoacoustic analyses) beyond the hearing abilities of most humans This method is also known as perceptual coding, or psychoacoustic modelling.


What is English file answer?

It's a countable word. A file is a box or folded piece of paper that holds letters or documents. He sat behind a table with a lot of files.

There are many types of files, such as Text files, data files and directory files are all available. These different types of files can store different types information. Files can be stored on optical drives, hard drive or other storage devices in a computer operating program.

Keeping this in consideration, which of the following best describes the internet of things iot?

Software and sensors , and other technologies that allow data to be exchanged with other devices and systems via the internet. In respect to this, what are iot device? IoT devices are Hardware pieces such as sensors, actuators and gadgets, machines, appliances, and machines that can transmit data over the internet, or other networks, that are programmed to perform specific applications.

What are the types of Internet of Things?

6 Top Types of IoT Wireless Tech & Their Best Use Cases Cellular (3G/4G/5G), A well-established mobile network, cellular networks provide reliable broadband communication that supports various voice calls as well as video streaming applications. Zigbee and Other Mesh Protocols Bluetooth and BLE What are DSL and FTTP examples of? DSL and FTTP are examples of wired Internet service technologies.

Moreover, what does the term blogosphere refer?

The blogosphere is Contains all blogs and their interconnections This term suggests that blogs exist together as a networked community (or a collection of connected communities), or as a social networking site in which everyday authors can post their opinions.

By Eunice

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