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What is an ASP in England?

asp in British English

1. the venomous snake, probably Naja haje (Egyptian cobra), that caused the death of Cleopatra and was formerly used by the Pharaohs as a symbol of their power over life and death.

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What is a TIFF in England?

It's a countable word. A small quarrel between two friends or people in a romantic relationship is unimportant.

TIFF/TIF is a lossless raster file format that can be used for Tagged Image File Format The format is used primarily in desktop publishing and photography due to its high quality. TIFF files are most likely to be encountered when you scan documents or take photos with a professional digital photographer.

Then, what does asp stand for *?

ASPApplication Service Provider
ASPActive Server Page (Microsoft script engine)
ASPAfter School Program
ASPAssociation of Surfing Professionals
Subsequently, is a rattlesnake an asp?

Vipera aspis
Species:V. aspis
Binomial name

Subsequently, is an asp and adder?

As nouns the difference between adder and asp

is that adder is grass snake while asp is iupac 3-letter abbreviation of aspartic acid.
And another question, what is asp in psychology? The purpose of the The purpose of the (ASP) blog was to allow students to share their experiences with course concepts while they are actually observing them in action. It's sort of like a personal news article. The trick is to think like an applied psychologist, seeing the theories and concepts in practice.


What is a file in England?

A file is a word in British English. A hand tool consists of a steel blade with small cutting teeth on some or all of its faces. It can be used for shaping or smoothing wood.

What does ASP mean in police?

Armament Systems and Procedures ASP, Inc. is a US manufacturer of defensive compliance weapons that supplies equipment to law enforcement agencies and private security companies. Telescoping batons from ASP are widely used. Whats ASL stand for? Many people may not know that the abbreviation ASL stands for However, social media users use the abbreviation in a different way and write it in lowercase letters.

Is a cobra an asp?

asp, an anglicized form aspis, is a name used in classical Antiquity for a venomous snake, likely the Egyptian cobra, Naja Haje It was the symbol for royalty in Egypt and its bite was used to execute favoured criminals during Greco-Roman times. Do asps still exist? The name refers to an ancient Egyptian snake that was venomous. It is generally believed to be the Egyptian cobra. However, there were many other snakes called asps. The European asp, Vipera.aspis, is today the only snake that can be correctly called an asp.

Then, what snakes are there in sicily?

NAS SIGONELLA (Sicily) - You may find a variety of wildlife in your backyard. The It is a venomous snake that is found in the area and has been seen on base housing. Although the adult Asp Viper can grow to 90 cm (35.4 inches) in length, most of them are much smaller.

By Huggins Fritzler

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